[REL] PJSloth1 - by Peter Williams

Started by quakis, 25 May 2012, 23:25:06

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PJSloth1 - by Peter Williams
Released: 24th May 2012

Peter Williams returns with a new release after an 11 year hiatus. His previous maps include Stranded and The Aztec Ruins.

Download: Here
Reviews: MSDN | TAW

David B.

David B.


Cool to see "old" mappers back in the loop.
I like this map.
Outdoor maps set in canyon / mountain environment isn't that easy to make look good.
This one does  :)
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Nice map, it reminded me a bit of Sangs Battlefield series (especially the 3th one), except more refined. There are a few boring parts along the way, but the whole climb up angle works very well and the end is worth it! Very impressive terrain design as well.

Mister Sinister

I wish my canyon map was this good  :D
A really nice map, I enjoyed it very much. The last battle is awesome!
Gadji beri bimba clandridi
Lauli lonni cadori gadjam
A bim beri glassala glandride
E glassala tuffm

I zimbra!

David B.

I tried it : the gameplay was interesting and long enough to have a good time.
I liked the climbing step by step to the top, encountering each time its lot of ennemies.
Canyon maps like this one have a good atmosphere.
David B.