Half-Life 2

Started by Puritan, 03 December 2011, 20:11:32

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I feel like pimping PlanetPhillip for you.
Simply because he is running the best site on the web for single player maps and mods set in the Half-Life universe!

I'm currently playing Combine Combat. A wonderful mod it is.
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


I've just finished Daylight for Half-Life 2.
What a nice mod!
This is a puzzle / combat combination that keeps you on your toes.
Sometimes you must think. Next you are in a race against the clock.
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Gave a look to the screenshots at planetphillip. It may have good gameplay but the design looks insipid and basic for my tastes.


You are somewhat right about the design. It doesn't have zillions of details and as Phillip pointed out; this mod is 95% finished.

But the gameplay is quite good if you like the puzzle/combat styled maps in combination with the mentioned race against the clock thing.
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral

Micky C

Having played several hours of half-life 2 recently for the first time, after having finished DNF, I have to say the game felt quite a lot like DNF in terms of pacing and puzzle solving. In fact, in that respect, the games felt almost identical. Yes the game was a lot more polished, and had all these neat little things like the great character animation system which add together to make the game better, and of course the tone was different and more serious. But I can't see why a game such as half-life 2 can be so highly acclaimed while in comparison, a very similar game such as DNF seems so absolutely hated by the wider gaming community. (It's also funny that HL2, considering how old it is, has graphics at least as good as DNF if not better.)
Wall whore.


When you finished off HL2 ,HL2 Ep 1 and HL2 Ep2 you'll feel that you are a part of the resistance. A citizen.

I almost got the feeling that I'm related to the Vance family. ( A cousin or whatever).
The mood of the game really have caught me.
I almost feel sorry for Alyx because....[ censored due to spoiler content..]
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


No doubt HL2 is superior to DNF in every way. (Well, Duke has better humor of course but the games are not comparable in this sense; it would make no sense for HL2 to even try to be funny.) Moreover, it had that sense of novelty whileas playing DNF made you constantly think "I've seen this one a million times before". And of course it had an old-fashioned health system and no silly weapon limits.
"Whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision of man's nature and of life's potential." -Howard Roark


Basically what the guys said but let me correct first puritan´s line:

When you finished off HL2 ,HL2 Ep 1 and HL2 Ep2 you'll feel that you are a part of the resistance. A citizen. an idiot by comparing those two games. (no offence intented. it´s the kind of situation when one feels like an idiot without the need to be told so)


- Half life 1/2 was pioneer in most of the things it featured and not just a late, out of grace, imitator.
- In Half life you feel "I´m Dr. Gordon Freeman, i have to save the world" in DNF you feel "where the hell i´m going and why?"
- In Half life things work (read flow, scripted sequences, action, etc) in DNF most of that is literally broken.
- Half life 2 makes justice to its precursor, DNF puts it on shame.

The only way they are comparable is that both are Fps story-guiden singleplayer games, well the story behind DNF is almost inexistent, so let´s say they are both fps singleplayer games. I don´t fully agree about the graphics though, there are a few instances where DNF looks quite better than HL2, mostly in indoor locations which involve complex lighting.


 :o Oh one more and very important thing i forgot to mention: Half life 2 were released in 2004 and DNF in 2011. That´s 7 fucking years! the same difference betweeen Duke nukum 1 and Duke Nukem 3d!

Micky C

Still, I've never been able to finish a half-life game, I've always lost interest part-way through. Eventually I'd come up against a puzzle that I couldn't get past right away, or get lost, then I'd save and quit, and never have the motivation to return. At the moment, I find using mapster more appealing then continuing half-life 2. Mainly because I'm in the demo level so I've seen it all before, but I hope the action picks up more towards the end.
Wall whore.

The Commander

This video really moved me...


It's one of the best Half Life videos I have seen made yet.


Wow that's great Commander, it gave me goosebumps by the end of the story. It's really epic.


Wow...just wow!
Those Combine bastards are gonna pay...for shooting our pigeons  ;D

Thanks for sharing, Commander!
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


This fan made video is amazing!
The buggy ride is...pure awesomeness!
Singularity Collapse
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Ours truly Gambini is one of the participants in this Half-Life 2 mapping competition.
Haven't played the map pack yet, but I will in the weekend.  :)
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral