[RELEASE] Wide Awake !

Started by ck3D, 17 October 2012, 11:40:16

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A city block at night. Local amenities include a swimming pool, apartments, a grocery store, a sewer system and more. Duke wakes up in his hotel room, finds out that the city is under attack, yadda yadda, you think you know the deal, this time around you will have to figure out a way to get to that boss though...

This map was started as a practice map on my mother's laptop while I was visiting (I had not touched the editor in months and suddenly felt like seeing how rusty I had become), I eventually kept working on it on and off on different computers once back home as it was quickly growing and it eventually turned into this. I hope you will enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed making it...

In this map I wanted to focus on the gameplay, layout and feel rather than on just throwing in massive amounts of decoration and eye-candy, in the end this level is in fact very much in the vein of the maps I contributed to the Metropolitan Mayhem episode and I personally find that it feels like some kind of original duke 3D level / lameduke map hybrid with some bits of modernish style here and there (does that make any sense ?).

Oh and this level is primarily intended to be played in classic mode, be it 8 or 32 bit, of course feel free to play it whatever way you want but I am not sure it is going to look very good if you use, say, the HRP or any novelty of the sort. It does not go over the old Build limits either (with only 627 sectors, 4661 walls, and 1740 sprites), and is fully playable with just an OG version of the Atomic Edition. No new art, no music, no new cons, just a plain, old-school styled map release.

now off to do some laundry... gah

CGS - Download


Wow, what a pleasant surprise!
Gonna play it tonight  ;)

Edit: I like your attitude, Aymeric....Duke first, then laundry  ;D
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
The more you see - The less it makes sense
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
If you can not see - You can not truly know


Quote from: Puritan on  17 October 2012, 15:04:41
Edit: I like your attitude, Aymeric....Duke first, then laundry  ;D

Heh, I do laundry and annoying shit first otherwise I can't relax. ;D


Played it. Pretty fun.

Didn't find the RPG, but fighting mini-battlelords with pipebombs and a freezer was a bit more enjoyable anyway.

Almost got stuck at one point while trying to shoot the two buttons through the window to get to the lobby outside the pool area. Luckily one of the enforcers in the burning upstairs area dropped a chaingun and I had just enough ammo to pull it off.
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


Cool design.
Heavy firefights.
Unfortunately I ran out of ammo both times I played it.
I didn't find the RPG either.
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
The more you see - The less it makes sense
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
If you can not see - You can not truly know


Thank you Forge for the review and everyone who gave this a try. I just posted some reactions in the release thread on the other forum. Link to said thread : http://forums.duke4.net/topic/5810-release-wide-awake/

I am a bit surprised that you ran out of bullets at that point, Forge, seeing as the player is supplied with about a dozen of pistol clips in the couple of rooms before that section alone. Where you playing on Come Get Some or Let's Rock ? (the level has more enemies on the former, and the same amount of ammunition and weaponry). That could be an explanation. Or maybe you went back outside to get rid off of a few remaining bad guys before coming back in for the puzzle ?


played on come get some.

it was probably just a sequence of events that led to low ammo. The troopers outside wouldn't come down to be eliminated with pipebombs or tripmines. I used up most of the tripmines on pigcops and most of the pipebombs on enforcers. When I entered that swimming pool building that's when the troopers came down and started harassing me, so I shot them all, then instead of shooting at the buttons, i chose to go up through the ceiling vent and shoot all the badies upstairs (this is where i collected a dropped chaingun). By the time I got back down to the lobby, I was pretty low on bullets in the pistol.
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


Whaa... new ck3D map  :o
I knew you were working on something, but didn't expect to see a finished map so soon! Gonna check it out ASAP.


Played it, nice one! It indeed reminded me of your Metropolian Mayhem levels, at least design-wise. I think some locations were a bit too dark, I would like to see a bright level from you one of these days or at least stronger lightning in the indoor locations. It's a minor complaint though.
I really liked the blue colored room (the one before you enter the sewers), I would like to see you experiment even more with that kind of stuff.

Gameplay was pretty though, but I liked the challenge. Never found the RPG either, but the freezer was also quite effective on the battlelords. I ended up skipping a few battlelord battles though. The spaceship with the boss was quite clever, although beating it at the end was quite easy.


I'm not sure but don't you get the RPG right prior to the blue room? I thought it was in plain sight or something.
"Whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision of man's nature and of life's potential." -Howard Roark


It's kind of hidden in a crate
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Found it. I just knew the RPG was there somewhere, the ammo was a obvious hint. I must have missed it because that room is really dark and stuffed with crates.  :P

Forgot to mention that the way the jetpack was put to use in this level is really good! And having to use tripbombs was nice as well.


glad you liked the map. i replied on duke4 as well. about the darkness i used several different computers to work on this map and for some reason i was getting completely different lighting on each of them... spent a few days working on it on a laptop and it looked fairly bright, then when i brought it to my home computer (on which i used an older version of eduke32) it was almost pitch black. in the end i eventually used three different computers / laptops, and thought i had come to a good compromise at the end by increasing the visibility, but on my home computer it is still pretty dark... i guess it is the kind of map you need to play at night, or in a dark room. shame !


Is the screen of your home computer CRT?

And yeah, I do get different brightness on different screens (even if they are LCD screens)
http://thisshitaintscary.blogspot.com/ - The only Blog solely dedicated to Horror video games


I must say my computer screen is pretty dark compared to my laptop screen, so it really depends where I'm playing it. :) Still, I would love to see you toy more with strong lightning and contrast. I think the red3 ending is a good reference point for this, the part after the player has turned on all the lights.