Review of DM maps

Started by Arghantyl, 27 January 2013, 13:47:02

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Thank you, Arghantyl  ;)
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Thanks Arghantyl. Much appreciated  8)
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


Let it go for Suburban Hive 2 :


Crimson Moon is the sequel to Suburban Hive,made by a dozens of talented mappers.

Here you will know the true meaning of "ambiance".
The incredible quality of the music combined to the level design will hypnotize from the start.
Enemies are every where and well placed;there's enough ammo/health to deal with them and not too much to keep up the challenge.
No problems to finish this level and no secrets to find, everything is given to let you a funny half hour.

But the serious problems of this map are these some minors errors of shadings and his incredible regular "palette bug".
It 's insane how it can breaks the immersion by seeing your pants turning in every colors.
By just moving to a texture to another one, you change of colors due to the Build engine.
I know the technical explanations but it would better to turn everything red.
The player's pleasure is preferable to good screenshoots.

Score : 94/100

Another day,another challenge.


Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


Review for MaaDM2 by Maarten v. Oostrum


Type : Action
Size : Little
Players : 2-3

Maadm2 is a little arena with a tower at his center.

Before playing ,you can read than this map have not been tested with player but with bots.
That explains easily the choices who have been made.

The environment is beautiful and it's more than a Duker can hope.The map is well detailed and will appease your eyes from the horrible texturing we must endure.
But the poor layout leads into direct confrontation between players.
There's no way to escape,just some corners to await before to be hunted,considering than the tower is  useless and his bridge is a joke.
Plus,atomic and steroids are every where,forbidding the notion of strategy and tactical moves.

Grabb shotgun,stero + atomic and kill.That's all.

It 's not really a bad map but i think it severely needs some modifications like a better items dispatching.
Give it a try and see.



Another day,another challenge.


Thank you, Arghantyl  :)
I'll upload it tonight (CET) when I'm home from work.
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral

The Commander

I know I am bumping an old thread but I hardly visit this site, but I just came by to give thanks to Forge for actually taking his time in writing a review for my horrid Dukes Nightmare map.

I was not aware it had a review till I came looking for it today to play online.


i plowed through it solo, so probably not the most accurate of reviews
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass