Speakers' Corner

Started by Puritan, 05 December 2011, 09:08:33

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Oh my! 2 minutes after I added the "Tweet" and "Facebook" button on top of each topic the traffic to the forums increased big time  :o
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


hahaahaha,How much ?  ;D

Perhaps the next Pascal rouaud will come here and say "What's DN 3D ?".
Another day,another challenge.


Actually, "the next Pascal" has already appeared on the DN3D stage many times.
I think there is a handful of mappers that reaches beyond Pascal.
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Actually  ???

I do not think than anyone have mastered a such aesthetic skill and a damn'it gameplay notion

When someone will both that in one episode,his name will be Arghantyl,i swear it  8)
Another day,another challenge.


Quote from: Arghantyl on  28 December 2011, 00:04:43
Actually  ???

I do not think than anyone have mastered a such aesthetic skill and a damn'it gameplay notion

I think there have been several great mappers over the last decade + that have generated their own styles, instilled excellent game play, and incorporated a solid design into their maps. What Pascal did in his time and on a consistent basis was, and is, considered great. Many have done the same since, but Pascal was one of the first to do it, so he gets the majority of the recognition.

So basically, what Puritan said.
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


I wonder if my web host are reading my posts in this forum.
A few days ago I was worried about the available space on my web host server.
James told me that I could delete the zip file for the AMC TC and make a link to a mirror instead.

Today I received a message from my web host telling me that my space on their servers are now doubled.
Free of charge!  8)
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral



software mode is so broke, especially about lighting & shading, that i'm forced to play some classic maps in 32 bit polymost in order to see anything.  :-\
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


Quote from: Forge on  15 January 2012, 19:22:34

software mode is so broke, especially about lighting & shading, that i'm forced to play some classic maps in 32 bit polymost in order to see anything.  :-\

It's not the first time.
My sequel to Afterglow; A New World Rising was more or less useless exact at time I finished it. All of a sudden it was pitch black in parts of the map... :(
I tried to crank up the lighting globally but it didn't look right to me.
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


I've bought a few more domains:


All of them are, of course, linked to this place  :D

Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


well that sucked ass!

I'd been without electricity for almost three days. good thing i go camping. plenty of warm blankets and clothes, propane heater and stove, small generator. i get my water from a well and the pump is electric. had to resort to melting snow to do things like wash dishes and flush the toilet.

snowed a foot and a half (half a meter), then had frozen rain for two days. knocked out my power and it really messed up all my trees. the pines are pretty durable, but I'm not so sure the hard woods will make it. my property (and pretty much the whole community) looks like somebody blew up a forest.

Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


Sorry to hear that, Scott :'(

I read about it here
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


I'm off for a night of poker and heavy drinking  8)
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


I don't like gambling. I also always forget the rules so my friends have to explain them to me every time we play. I'd never play for money because there are way too many factors you cannot control.
"Whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision of man's nature and of life's potential." -Howard Roark


Just finishing a remix for an important trance label, hope they acept it and sign it  ;D


Good luck with that man! we all will be crossing our fingers for you  :)