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Started by Puritan, 05 December 2011, 09:08:33

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Quote from: MikeNorvak on  29 January 2012, 06:28:32
Just finishing a remix for an important trance label, hope they acept it and sign it  ;D

Cool  8)
May we hear some of it?
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Thanks guys! it is supposed I shouldn't show anything if they sign it, maybe I can make a preview and post it here later, anyway in first place I'm not sure if you like trance music at all ;D

When I'm done with this I'll can finish reduked, don't want to spoil anything but in fact the project is a 3 "album" concept with about 16 new remixes hence it's taking some time to finish. I have an idea about creating an indie label gathering remixes from videogames and TC/mods OST (Imperium soundtrack for example - if the Oostrum bros. acept of course) being Reduked the first release of the label, so this is taking me a bit more time creating the logo and shit.


I enter "trance music" on youtube and all I got were shit haha, that's the reason because some people think trance is cheesy and superfluous. Sorry for double post but where's the fuckin edit button :D

[attachment deleted by admin]


You have 10 minutes to edit  ;)
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Taking away the modify and remove buttons after a short while is a good choice. It keeps forums trustable.


now all we need is some stupid global mod to come in here and mess with people's posts....  :)
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


QuoteI have an idea about creating an indie label gathering remixes from videogames and TC/mods OST (Imperium soundtrack for example - if the Oostrum bros. acept of course)

Yes we do accept. :D And cool that you get to do work for an important label, good luck!


Happy birthday!
Red 4 turns nine years today  :D
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral



Today I grabbed a ticket for a concert on Notodden Bluesfestival this summer here in Norway  8)
ZZ Top
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


I see Trooper Dan is getting quite a following over at Duke4. Trooper Tom, Trooper Lun, etc.

Are you starting an army for a hostile takeover?  ;D
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


Yes, when he has enough troopers, he'll change his name into 'Commander Dan'.

Trooper Dan

Quote from: Merlijn on  17 March 2012, 15:47:54
Yes, when he has enough troopers, he'll change his name into 'Commander Dan'.

Originally I was going to start a joke account here posing as a retired trooper, who would tell the true story of what happened during the invasion.  But then I got lazy.

If those guys are going to copy me, they should do something useful!


Quote from: Gambini on  22 March 2012, 07:16:34
We could carry this for ages, but still you can´t deny you have pushed your point to a too specific aspect, of which i still disagree. I was surprised the low rating the map got (in comparision to other maps reviewed here of course) and I noticed it was mostly (according to your dissection) by shading and trimming. establishing how many adjacent walls have the same shade value will lead to nothing at this point. Except by Bob Averill maps (which you extremely underrated) most maps rated even ten points above surely have less shading and trimming work but that´s OK. By no means I want to change your opinion, if that´s the impression you got, fine. You could have rated it even lower by standing on things like the confined spaces and unfair explosions, the overuse of the green bricks wall and I would have had to shut up.

Apparently you still hold angst about this since you feel the need to down vote my posts in another forum and make snide comments like, "rating on a more realistic scale (thing that almost nobody does here)".

Funny how you can come to this forum and disagree with how something is rated, but if I disagree with a rating at another forum it's not okay with you and you feel the need to gun me down.

I get the impression you focus on only what bothers you and then ride it into the ground until you either get your way or everybody just throws up their hands and walks away.

Texturing/Lighting-Shading: 7/10
Sprite Work/Detailing: 8/10
Ambiance: 7/10
Architecture: 17/20
Layout: 17/20
Gameplay/Design: 23/30
Overall: 79/100

is the way Duke Nukem ex mortum has been rated, here's it simplified out:

Texturing; 3/5
Lighting-Shading: 4/5
Sprite Work: 4/5
Detailing & Trimwork: 4/5
Ambiance: 7/10
Architecture: 17/20
Layout: 17/20
Gameplay: 11/15
Design: 12/15
Overall: 79/100

I broke it all the way down for you. Now pick your bitch and get it out of your system

You get the impression that everything has a super high rating because that's the "norm". What you failed to take into consideration is the first 100 to 150 maps hosted on this site were hand picked because they were already high rated maps to get a solid start to the quality of the database and/or were also from specific authors so we could start the mapper of the month. (& I do rate maps below 70, but until further notice, maps that low won't be hosted here)
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


I've started my Easter holiday one hour ago  8)
No work until tuesday 10'th of April.
I might get Alien Resurrection ready this Easter.

But right now: ... I'm off for a jam session and some heavy drinking  ;D
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral