LORCH maps

Started by Sanek, 22 May 2013, 17:26:33

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Well, I know it's not as important as ck3D's latest epic, but hey, since LORCH is going to be a series of city maps, I thought it would be nice if all maps connected with each other  will be in one topic, why not?

Shots of the second LORCH:
Some of you is already saw this screenshot of part of the street that's not completed:

It's being said that the first map was a Roch-like thing, and someone is also said that this particular shot reminds of of the early Roch maps. I will not hide the fact that I started doing this all after playing Pascal's maps, and this new shot is definitely remind you about something.


Looks good, just be sure not to overdo the roch worship and add your own twists to it. We all know what happended to Dogville. ;)


Quote from: Merlijn on  24 May 2013, 13:38:07
Looks good, just be sure not to overdo the roch worship and add your own twists to it. ;)
Thanks, I'll try. ;)
The map is almost ready - there's only some polishing remains. If time permitting I think it will be released in next one-two weeks.


I think it's ready for soon release, but I need at least one beta tester to play in it (you know I'm very bad at weapons). Anyone?


it might take a couple days to get back to you with a good amount of feedback, but you can toss it my direction for testing if you want

edit: i'm going on vacation this coming up sunday and will be gone for a few weeks. if you think this beta-testing process is going to take more than a few days and you want consistent feedback, i won't be hurt if you pass me up for someone else who has the time to work with you from start to finish
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


Quote from: Forge on  10 June 2013, 18:53:11
it might take a couple days to get back to you with a good amount of feedback, but you can toss it my direction for testing if you want

edit: i'm going on vacation this coming up sunday and will be gone for a few weeks. if you think this beta-testing process is going to take more than a few days and you want consistent feedback, i won't be hurt if you pass me up for someone else who has the time to work with you from start to finish
Don't worry I'm find someone. Have a good time!


Finally started work on LORCH 3. :)
First of all, I would like to make two important announcements about this map:

First - in contrast to the first two maps, the action will take place at night.

And the second - I hope to make this map at least twice bigger than the previous one. This means that the development will take more time than usual.
I don't know when I'll be able to show some screenshots, but I hope it will be soon. Stay tuned. ;)



Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Quote from: Sanek on  27 August 2013, 23:07:21
I don't know when I'll be able to show some screenshots, but I hope it will be soon. Stay tuned. ;)
I don't think it would be so soon, but here's a little pic:


Very moody! love it :D


how much of that stuff in the background can be reached

if it's just scenery, that's some nice background depth
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


Quote from: Forge on  29 August 2013, 15:28:16
if it's just scenery, that's some nice background depth
This. You can't go further than the wall.


I'd suggest to add some wall shading to the buildings (especially the WSYC building on the right), and maybe add some variety in the shapes of those buildings. Right now, it looks blocky.

Other then that, it looks very good! It's always nice to have some good background scenery, adds a lot more depth to a map.


Quote from: Merlijn on  01 September 2013, 16:01:53
I'd suggest to add some wall shading to the buildings (especially the WSYC building on the right), and maybe add some variety in the shapes of those buildings. Right now, it looks blocky.

Gotcha. ;)
Quote from: Merlijn on  01 September 2013, 16:01:53
Other then that, it looks very good! It's always nice to have some good background scenery, adds a lot more depth to a map.

Thanks! While working on Bridge Between Two Islands I've just learned that if you spent more time making background scenery you can make the whole map look much better than before. And I'm definitely going to use this method on this map too.