Ken Silverman - A few words

Started by Puritan, 11 January 2014, 14:11:00

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I've had the pleasure to have a few words with the author of the Build editor.
He was very helpful and kind to me, that's for sure.
He wasn't feeling that he was worthy this honor to be our candidate for a page in the " Hall of fame" series.
Well, I can asure you that you're more than worthy!

He also was so kind to answer a few questions for an interview.
In addition to that he gave me some information that he never have given out before.....

I wish to give Ken a big thanks and hope all of you guys might find some interesting read in the interview  ;)

Hall of Fame
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Waaah.Kensilver man himself doing an interview for CGS...

The mostly entertaining news tough is the "Build2"  programm.
Changing of engine will be a kind of revolution for mappers  :D
Another day,another challenge.

Micky C

I'm confused, so is mapper of the month really shut down or was that just a cover story for this awesome interview?

It's amazing and great that he's still happy to be in contact with people in communities using his programs from all those years ago, especially since he doesn't care about (playing) games anymore. Most people wouldn't bother.

Build 2 also sounds interesting. I wonder if it's a completely new editor for the Build engine, or if it's an entirely new, unrelated engine which perhaps shares similarities with Build. More importantly is it ever going to be released... Ken has had programs in the past such as voxlap (and evaldraw?) which were never properly finished. I hope something comes out of it.

That todo list is also a fascinating read, especially the editor section. I think a fair amount of those features have been implemented in eduke32 which is good. It'd also have been nice to have true looking up and down in the classic renderer (although if/when polymer is finished, it should be able to look almost identical to classic with proper vertical correction). I also wonder what he meant by "real" lighting.

Puritan is it ok if I make a thread about this over at I wouldn't want to intentionally take the discussion away from here per se, and Ken did seem to want to keep the Build2 thing a bit on the hush hush, but it could also be potentially a bit of advertising for this site, and we'd be able to engage other people in the community such as the eduke developers who don't visit this forum.

Either way, thanks for conducting the interview Puritan, it was a great read  :D
(And Ken if you're reading this thank you too, for the interview and the Build engine).
Wall whore.


i didn't think Ken would come anywhere near a duke3d community.
interesting read.

Thanks for the successful contact and feedback, Puritan
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


He-he....glad you guys liked it.
I wouldn't put too much into that Build 2 thing though.
Might just be a joke or that Ken have done some improvements on the original editor for private reasons only  ;)
It could be some legal issues about the editor and 3DRealms as well.
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Also if such thing exists, I doubt it would be compatible with all the changes made to eduke32. I believe mapster32 is even build 3 or 4 at this stage....

Micky C

Assuming it's an editor for build maps, why wouldn't it be compatible? Leezing made LEBuild from scratch for Duke maps, and sure it can't do TROR or anything, but it (sorta) gets the job done.
Wall whore.


maybe it would have allowed proper ror
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass

High Treason

A very interesting interview.

Build2 huh? I could speculate about it but I'll wait to see if anything appears. I'm watching you Ken.
[glow=black,2,300]sprite[].sectnum -1[/glow]


I would like to see physics in Build 2.
Pick up objects. Moving objects. Vehicles.
Sloped sprites.
Advanced scripted sequences.
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral

Micky C

You can do all those things already except sloped sprites, and even those might be added one day.
Wall whore.

Puritan can't really.
The Eduke versions are sucky in my opinion  ;)
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Small updates:

I misunderstood Mr. Silverman regarding his birthday. It was a bit early to celebrate  :P
Ken also sent me a mail with utterly information to the interview in which I've implemented and uploaded.
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral