DN3D on YouTube

Started by Puritan, 13 April 2014, 15:22:00

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Added a video to Alejandro Glavic's ADG06.
Thanks to "mere_duke" for a nice video and the heads-up.
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Some videos:
"Another Timeless Night" by A. Glavic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDnv3Y4OC7s
"Shaky Grounds Part 2: Tragedy" Done Quick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt6M9YlN3A0


Thanks for the heads-up  :)
Video for "ATN" is attached to the review.

("SGP2" review already have a video.)
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Another video: DarkCaleb's "The 4 Elements"

And another one: Schronzki's "THE MONASTERY OF DARKNESS - 20th Anniversary Edition"


Nice job.
Both are implemented.

Could you please link to the actual review page instead of direct download on YT?
The "Back" button on the download won't work as it is today.
Visitors miss the opportunity to read the review and maybe fool around CGS.

Thank you very much.
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Oh, OK, I'll change that :)


Came across this video.
Couldn't find this map outside of Steam.


Quote from: anvil on  23 November 2018, 00:22:21
Came across this video.
Couldn't find this map outside of Steam.

Looks like a good oldie, really  :)
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


I have like 50+ videos on my channel you could add. So check out the playlist, everything is arranged in alphabetical order. Feel free to add any.


Quote from: ViDi on  06 January 2019, 13:24:15
I have like 50+ videos on my channel you could add. So check out the playlist, everything is arranged in alphabetical order. Feel free to add any.

Man, that was what I call a list  ;)
Thanks for the link (and list).

I'll put 'em on my to-do list.
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


All my new videos at the bottom of the playlist so it shouldn't be a problem to find recently added videos. Cheers.


Quote from: ViDi on  06 March 2019, 00:30:19
All my new videos at the bottom of the playlist so it shouldn't be a problem to find recently added videos. Cheers.

Hail to the king, baby!
You've done an incredible job recording DN3D vids. Your repository must be the largest one on YouTube.

Thanks for keeping our blue panted womanizer alive!  ;)
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Haha, thanks, Puritan! I have 149 Duke map vids on the channel at the moment. More than 20 of them are Doom themed. ;D