1000 maps milestone

Started by Puritan, 21 October 2014, 17:48:31

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Today we reached 1000 maps bunged to our server.

I'd like to take the opportunity to give some credits :

First of all; Forge for his never ending work with Duke maps.
We all know his outstanding reviews for maps but he also have spent quite some time tracking down info about maps, finding the right authors and it's like.
Without you I haven't been halfway.
Thank you very much!

Also Duke64Nukem jumped onto our wagon as of lately and he's active in the Duke Match circles.
He has submitted quite a few DM-reviews and growing.

There are also reviews submitted by other guys in the community that deserves credit.
Too many to mention here but you know who you are!

Finally, a great thanks to all you mappers and players around the globe gathering in this small community.

Hail to the kings, baby!
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


thank you guys for all the hard work. you are keeping the community alive ! much appreciated.

hopefully i get to keep feeding this little baby for a while myself under the form of new releases. i just so happen to be 95% done with the design of a map right now, with quite the spare time to devote to duke 3D this week... fingers crossed.


Quote from: Puritan on  21 October 2014, 17:48:31Today we reached 1000 maps bunged to our server.
Congrats and a big thank you to everyone involved.

Quote from: ck3D on  21 October 2014, 19:15:26i just so happen to be 95% done with the design of a map right now, with quite the spare time to devote to duke 3D this week... fingers crossed.
Great news as well. I hope you never get fed up with mapping.  :)
Polymost HRP / Z-Pack: customize your HRP  |  User Map Maphacks
"Redneck Rampage has chickens. If you put a chicken in Duke3D then it's Duke3D with a chicken."


Quote from: ck3D on  21 October 2014, 19:15:26
hopefully i get to keep feeding this little baby for a while myself under the form of new releases. i just so happen to be 95% done with the design of a map right now, with quite the spare time to devote to duke 3D this week... fingers crossed.
sweet. another ck3d map is always a good thing.  8)
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


thank you, heart-warming to see that some people still care about my maps. for your information, the design is now 100% complete with and the basic gameplay implemented, i might get at adding the monsters (the only step the map is missing) later today and release it sooner than even i expected.

but let's not derail this thread. it is meant to be about all the work you guys are putting in, playing and reviewing our stuff, writing those hundreds of paragraphs about it, taking those 5000-or-so screenshots. you are the ones who deserve the appreciation now. cheers !


Awesome, now let's get to 2000. ;) Major props to you guys!

And I also look forward to your map, ck3d. :)