
Started by sT1LL_WAnTeD, 17 July 2015, 11:09:11

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since to see what some of these pros could come up on tutorials or how they do shit.

this me doing an example of how i do shading


Reminds me that I should do an overhaul of the "Utilities" page.
Nice vid by the way  :)
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
The more you see - The less it makes sense
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
If you can not see - You can not truly know



You should do a tutorial on how to avoid basic mistakes
Fix your Freezeezy Duke map for the example.
Stayput pigcops never worked in NW.
It's also easy for all those respawned black santas bosses kill each other with rockets, and the player never gets to finish the giant snowman climb.

A demonstration that planning and interactivity also play a role in map design, it's not just about making things look pretty.
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


Quote from: sT1LL_WAnTeD on  19 April 2018, 19:23:20
im making a tutorial series on youtube of mapster32

I've put it on the front page as for now.
If the series turns out well I might find a permanent place for it on CGS.
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
The more you see - The less it makes sense
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
If you can not see - You can not truly know


I'm not criticizing your tutorials, I just want you to fix that map. It looks cool and would be a good play, if it didn't have the issues I mentioned.
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


i appreciate the honest feedback. . the santas were an accident. . i put same code for pigs but was first time using NW . . and actually i should get back to that winter freezezy map to expand it and making it an actual sp because it was dm layout to begin with. .so fixing that map man is a good idea
.  i appreciate the honesty really. cheers mate!



To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
The more you see - The less it makes sense
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
If you can not see - You can not truly know


Episode #3 of tutorials
All original music by sT1LL_WAnTeD



Episode #4 of tutorials



Episode #5 of  tutorials
its time to CREATE some FIREEEEE!!!!

cheers! drink a beer
music by sT1LL_WAnTeD


Episode #6 of tutorials
Making Duke Talk
with one time sound


music by sT1LL_WAnTeD