Screenshots from other games

Started by Puritan, 07 December 2011, 22:27:57

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Rumors about Half-Life 3 is once again having a boost after a Valve employee is spotted on a game conference wearing this t-shirt:

But we all know that Gabe is the troll of game developers.
He might be laughing his ass off right now...
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


The Commander


"Whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision of man's nature and of life's potential." -Howard Roark


IsnĀ“t that game for little girls?


Lol, this game freaks me out more than any other game although this is due to all the anthropomorphic creatures, not stuff like this:

"Whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision of man's nature and of life's potential." -Howard Roark



Quote from: MSandt on  16 January 2012, 20:30:42
Some Alice shots:

Is that the second Alice? I have the first one laying around somewhere. Been years since i've played it.
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


Yeah, that's the second one. Never played the first one.
"Whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision of man's nature and of life's potential." -Howard Roark

High Treason

Capcom Fanboy Mode: Activated

I didn't snap these myself as my capture hardware is screwed, but nontheless, they are from some of my favorite bits of the game, you can admire the level of detail within the environments and charachter models - this is a PS2 game, these are from the best game ever.

Fiona: "It's OK Hewie, he can't come after us any more." Moments later...

Daniella: "Dinner is served miss..." Hmm... I wonder if I'm gonna have to run away from her now? Do I really want to run away from her though? True story; I used to know a woman that actuall looked like Daniella but her hair was not purple.

A "hide point" in the mansion garden - probably a mechanic Duke Nukem fans are not familiar with.
[glow=black,2,300]sprite[].sectnum -1[/glow]


Haunting Ground was definitely a neat survival horror, tense game during the early half and had a lot of great moments running away from your pursurers. There were even those long moments of silence where you think you're safe, and then suddenly the chilling music quietly starts as the enemy gets closer, wondering which way they're coming from and where you should hide next. It does lose the edge after the Daniella sections, since I felt the latter enemies to be a bit lacking, but despite that I enjoyed the game immensely. Hewie was also one of the better dog companions and acted accordingly as a real dog would, for example, his ears would shoot up and he'll turn his head when an enemy gets near and starts to grow as they get closer.

That third screenshot also reminded me of those creepy plants they grow there.

High Treason

Those plants were "Mandragora" or "Mandrake" and although not the only things in the world to have such plants, I often wonder if the guys at Capcom are fans of Harry Potter for several reasons, firstly, there are mandragora described like the ones in this game, secondly, there is a puzzle involving books which I think had names like "Cathederal of Secrets - Cornelius Agrippa" and "Elixir of the Philosipher" or something along those lines, lastly, there was Clock Tower 3 which has a charachter called Dennis, I am clearly not the only one to spot the similarity as displayed on the wiki - nonetheless there was more than enough originality in both games.

Hewie being a good dog companion is right, I managed to get my hands on Rule of Rose - which is banned in the UK - and although I have nothing against Brown, he just isn't as good as Hewie, but then I used to have a German Shepherd when I was a kid, so I would say that.

[glow=black,2,300]sprite[].sectnum -1[/glow]


I played through Rule of Rose recently, but the terrible combat system and terrible hit detection put me off playing much further. This was a game in my collection I had been looking forward to and I wanted to like it because there's something interesting there. But considering how frustrating combat can be, it's not fun to play through and feels like they slapped it in at the last minute. As for the difference with Brown, there's simply no connection between the player and him, he's nothing more than an item finder, while it felt like Fiona and Hewie were working together and actually cared for each other's well being. It's unlikely I'll return to Rule of Rose, which is a shame.

I have Clock Tower 3, but I've yet to give that a spin. Too busy playing through Forbidden Siren 2 right now, which could turn into rant. It's not a bad game though, but I do prefer the first for a number of reasons.


Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral

The Commander

Quote from: Puritan on  01 March 2012, 12:11:30
DOOM 4 ?
No it's not.

I mean for starters it looks set in our current time, Doom3 and the movie were set in the future man.