I'm Stuck Thread

Started by Puritan, 07 December 2011, 23:49:52

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Well I'm gonna need a screenshot where that crack is please... I spent another 10 mins trying to locate it.
http://thisshitaintscary.blogspot.com/ - The only Blog solely dedicated to Horror video games


Ok, I'll take one tonight (CET) for you  ;)
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Here you go:

[attachment deleted by admin]
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


http://thisshitaintscary.blogspot.com/ - The only Blog solely dedicated to Horror video games


Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Quote from: methy on  21 October 2012, 15:35:36

The main problem of the map is that well, there are no key card or anything, so there is no sense of progression, and afaik there is no ending either! (pretty sure I went everywhere but couldn't find one).

Oh yes, there is  ;)

Right here (inside the beer plant):

[attachment deleted by admin]
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


Oh I mean the last part though. I checked it quickly and it seemed well made.
http://thisshitaintscary.blogspot.com/ - The only Blog solely dedicated to Horror video games


^huh I meant "missed the last part"

Anyway I'm stuck in Rush Back by Gambini : I got inside the first corridor of the power station, but everything is locked and I can't find what to do. I checked the vents at the end of the corridor and I seemed to remember it had something to do with them, but I can't find anything even inside the vents.

What's funny is that I even found a glitch that let me go inside the mail room even though you're not supposed to.... I don't want to sound mean but you know something's wrong with the progression of a map if you find glitches or secrets places while you're stuck for 10mins looking for what to do next.
http://thisshitaintscary.blogspot.com/ - The only Blog solely dedicated to Horror video games


the only section i remember being stuck at in Rush Back is the same location as you i think, and i remember posting about being stuck there on DN-R a couple of years ago and you were the one who helped me out ! you have to shoot through a gate to activate a button on the ceiling in the next room ! how bad can such an elementary puzzle traumatize one so bad that they will still remember it years later after playing the map ?


See the crossair:

I can see, now, how one can glitch the post office´s vent. Too late to be fixed i guess.


I glitched through the door, not the vent.
http://thisshitaintscary.blogspot.com/ - The only Blog solely dedicated to Horror video games

David B.

I'm playing the maps Daikarin, from saarek.
This episode a very well designed package maps.

I had to cheat on the very first level, where is the yellow card ???
Moreover, I'm stuck in the castle level where one can find a cemetery. I killed a battlelord, then entered into a circular way with graves.
From there, I don't know where to go, it's just a circle. I went back to the castle but never found other ways neither to go ahead.

If someone knows those maps...
David B.


I vaguely remember something about blowing up a grave. See the automap for indications of blowable sprites.
"Whatever their future, at the dawn of their lives, men seek a noble vision of man's nature and of life's potential." -Howard Roark


Yeah, there's a grave to the left of the entrance when you enter the cemetery that you can blow up, you can't miss it. Jump down to end the level.

Also, the yellow key card is located up in the ceiling near the beginning. You need to use the jetpack from the bathroom to get up there. Pretty stupid location for a card though, I ran around for 10 minutes before finding that fucking thing.


The yellow card is right at the start of the level, after the first door. The ceiling blows up, you have to use the jetpack to get the card from there.

Funny how people tend to get stuck whenever you have to use the jetpack as a progression item! I thought it was pretty obvious once I got the jetpack

And yeah, in the graveyard you have to enter one of the graves. I don't remember having to blow it up though but maybe I did by accident.
http://thisshitaintscary.blogspot.com/ - The only Blog solely dedicated to Horror video games