New Global Moderator

Started by Puritan, 08 December 2011, 00:06:47

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I apologizes for this late announcement.
Forge, as many of you should know from other Duke sites, is an official global Moderator here.
I've given him some extended powers in order to ironing things out as they come along.
As both an excellent reviewer and mapper he knows what DN3D is all about.

So, be nice to him and you wont find yourself blindfolded and tied up on a donkey headed for Death Valley!
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


blindfolded and tied up?

are you trying to get me excited?  :-*
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass


now that everything is getting off the ground, my first order of business is to edit, then delete all Gambini's posts  :)
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass

Micky C

I wouldn't call him an excellent reviewer... he gave my second map an 85  ;) (thanks for that btw)

If he's trying to keep me motivated enough to continue mapping for a few more years than it's working  :-*
Wall whore.


Well if you need a laugh or want to post some revenge comments try my first map, it rated an 84
Take it down to the beach with a hammer and pound sand up your ass