Duke3d Computer bots

Started by Tgreyhair, 24 June 2024, 23:35:40

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Hi, it's me again.  A long time since I've played with dukebots. 

I've been trying to get the bots working again but not having much luck at the moment, I tried following the steps I posted a long time ago, I have the Eduke32 and completed the steps and added that  /q8 /a at the end of the target name. Once I play the shortcut version it takes me to the game where I can host or join but there is no bots as such.  Once you click launch game it says waiting for votes and nothing happens.

Does anyone remember how you get the computer bots to work?

Many thanks in Advanced



Not sure about this issue.
I've tried the command line solution you mentioned by launching the game with a .bat file.
The bots are showing up in-game but refuses to fight you...

Else you might want to read more about the "SOB bot" here: https://dukenukem.fandom.com/wiki/SOB-Bot
A thread about a new Dukebot AI here: https://forums.duke4.net/topic/11826-netduke32-enhanced-duke3d-netplay/
Buried under dirt, a diamond in the mud
Infinity is waiting there 'cause nobody can burn a glass cathedral


I'll check those links out, Thanks Puritan  8)  8)  yeah the sob bot seems to be quite a popular one at the moment but only if we can get it working.  I wonder if duke plus has bots, I think it has bots who help you fight the enemies.  I remember we used to get them working quite well in the past, I guess there have been a lot of changes since then.   


That was a really good link the you posted there Puritan the netduke32, it works quite well once you get everything set up for it. The bots are of a better quality compared to the last ones I used to play. I usually have 15 bots and the game gets mad with that many bots.

I'm playing those duke3d 500 maps as they are some good ones in there for the deathmatch, I have a youtube where I show off all the maps.  There are 3 maps that don't work.
