Reviews and Submissions

Started by Forge, 08 December 2011, 16:29:29

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Hey, Puritan, hope you're doing fine! There's been some new maps emerging this month:
Hollywood Holocaust Street Part Remake by Bruno, which is apparently just a very loose variation on the original level:
Slick Willy by William Gee, a map that uses new DNF 2001 assets and tons of TROR:
Water Damage by KAP, a classic map with particularly detailed shadows:

I might write a review of one/more of those, but probably no sooner than July :)


Quote from: Aleks on  26 May 2022, 22:07:14
Hey, Puritan, hope you're doing fine! There's been some new maps emerging this month:
Hollywood Holocaust Street Part Remake by Bruno, which is apparently just a very loose variation on the original level:
Slick Willy by William Gee, a map that uses new DNF 2001 assets and tons of TROR:
Water Damage by KAP, a classic map with particularly detailed shadows:

I might write a review of one/more of those, but probably no sooner than July :)

Thanks, Aleks
I was aware of Bruno's map but not the other two.
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
The more you see - The less it makes sense
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
If you can not see - You can not truly know


Hi Puritan! Hope you're doing great, I have a new speed map for you I made this week: although, please do not grab the outdated version of it in the first post. Please use the second one a few posts below instead, as that update addresses some more or less crucial issues.

Enjoy whenever - if you can - and hope you have a great summer. Cheers!


Quote from: ck3D on  27 June 2022, 18:15:01
Please use the second one a few posts below instead, as that update addresses some more or less crucial issues.

Direct link to the said update:


Now, that's a force to be reckonned with!
Pretty challenging so far.....haven't had the time to pass it as of yet.
Will upload the map as soon as possible.

Thanks to both you and Sanek for the heads-up  :)
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
The more you see - The less it makes sense
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
If you can not see - You can not truly know


Hi Puritan and thanks for hosting Turnpike!

I have yet another map for you called Red Light Rumble, built in four days:

Hope you enjoy and have a great Sunday! Cheers.

edit - again late to the game with some shame, but I had to update it. Please grab the final version here: this is the right one to share. Thanks a lot!


Thank you Puritan and happy birthday!


Quote from: ck3D on  07 July 2022, 00:14:13
Thank you Puritan and happy birthday!

It's my pleasure!
Thank you very much  :)
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
The more you see - The less it makes sense
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
If you can not see - You can not truly know


(Hi guys, I have a review for the rcastle map which is not a bad DM map)

You start off in a barn with lots of areas to explore, get to the top of the barn as that will give you a view of things. Knowing your way around the map will give you an advantage over the other players. There are a few different areas with atomic health including the red room area located up high in the buildings which have two atomic health items there. If you follow the water it will lead you to an underground area where you can collect certain items. Also, the level has that maze element to it as there are many dead ends or walls that can be used as a lift.

If you play this in a single-player mode you will encounter a few enemies in the towers and many other areas.

80 score


(Here's another review)

This sort of acts like a play-around type of map where you battle it out on the big arena as well as the area where the exit is. When you are going to the exit there is a hidden room to the right with atomic health in there. There's also a hidden area located around the top section of the map. Where duke starts off in the single player there is a switch and if you click the switch you release the laser trip bombs but there are a bunch of octabrains floating around the map.

50 score


(Another review for one of the small maps)

This map is sure to make you feel very dizzy and confused. A lot of weapons in the spinner but don't stay there too long or you will be dizzy. To get to the area above go into one of the elevators where you will find the RPG but if you collect the RPG the ground will start to go down leaving you trapped there forever. To get out of that area you must try to shoot one of the buttons that is near the elevators and if you get lucky the ground will start to rise again. This would make a very interesting deathmatch level, hope you have fun.

65 score


(Another review, I'm on fire)

This whole map feels like a death trap. I guess I can say there are a few traps and explosions such as the minefield which contains 12 mines. Watch out for the gas canisters as well as the explosion they cause is big sometimes. There is a stream of water you can jump into and swim around in and collect a mixture of items which are located on the water bed so to say. There is a place near the water where you can go up in a rock lift and then that leads to a button which causes an explosion. On the other side of the water there is a rock with a chaingun on the top, use the container to get to the top so you can collect this gun.

There are plenty of hiding places to explore and find which one you like the best. Boxes you can hide behind and jump out at your opponent and there are plenty of buildings to hide in. One building has fire all over it and if you jump into the building you will notice writing on the wall. This is a map where finding the right spot is vital to whoever wins this match.

70 score


(A small review)

This map sort of has that square or circle feeling to it. In the centre of the map, you will notice the water which contains atomic health and a few laser tripbombs. Before you enter the centre of the map you can use the wall to lower yourself to the ground without losing any health and use that wall to get back up again. Now if you stay on the middle bit there is a lift you can take up to the top of the map, you will be exploring the high tunnels where you can collect some items or guns. On the medium level there it all connects up to the other bit of the map

I guess you can say that this map has three levels. For what is a simple design this is actually not a bad deathmatch level where dukes can fight it out to see who is king. This is probably what your classic deathmatch level would be like in the past. It's a nice map no doubt about that one.

70 Score


Yeah, you are on fire!
Thank you very much for these reviews, man.
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
The more you see - The less it makes sense
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
If you can not see - You can not truly know


Thanks Puritan

Hope you have been keeping well yourself.  :)