Reviews and Submissions

Started by Forge, 08 December 2011, 16:29:29

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Really cool to see a new active contributor to this website, nice one!


Hey Puritan, hope you're doing fine!

I haven't been paying much attention to Duke stuff lately due to being extremely busy IRL, anyway, seems like you're missed one of the biggest events in the scene lately - release of ck3D's epic masterpiece, Blast Radius! Here's the link to his thread on - I'd say this is definitely front page news stuff ;)


Quote from: Aleks on  16 March 2023, 21:35:39
Hey Puritan, hope you're doing fine!

I haven't been paying much attention to Duke stuff lately due to being extremely busy IRL, anyway, seems like you're missed one of the biggest events in the scene lately - release of ck3D's epic masterpiece, Blast Radius! Here's the link to his thread on - I'd say this is definitely front page news stuff ;)

Thanks for the heads-up, Aleks
You're right; it's a big event and a masterpiece!
Bunged to CGS server today.
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
The more you see - The less it makes sense
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
If you can not see - You can not truly know


Hi Puritan and Aleks and thank you for the kind enthusiasm!

I actually was abstaining from sharing the news about Blast Radius on here just yet on purpose because the file just keeps receiving significant updates around the levels, code and even installation process/structure to this day, so I've been trying to avoid mirrors until a version would feel more definitive and stable.

Current version is now onto 1.0.14 and I feel like from now on shouldn't budge much, at least not in a way that is significant. I think this one should be a better central reference on CGS (it cleans up a lot of post-release mess versions from the past two months had) and while I'm aware replacing/updating files is a pain, if one could replace the file that's currently on the CGS server with the most recent one they can already download from here: that would be really appreciated. Thank you in advance Puritan if you ever get around to doing that.

I'm trying to play your own episode in full one of these days! Hope you enjoyed Blast Radius. A lot to do in there if one's trying to play 'correctly' but really people just having fun around the levels with DNKROZ on counts as success to me. Cheers!


I just noticed Merlijn's first two Shaky Grounds maps were up on here without a proper review (what they do have is an old one by me for SG3, and Aleks' recent review of the full episode). I started a full playthrough of the episode a couple of nights ago and have spontaneously been writing reviews for Apocollapse and Tales of Tragedy I'll most likely use as a basis for something to post on ModDB, but you can also use those for CGS if you want, both are on this page:


Quote from: ck3D on  20 April 2023, 16:38:59
I just noticed Merlijn's first two Shaky Grounds maps were up on here without a proper review (what they do have is an old one by me for SG3, and Aleks' recent review of the full episode). I started a full playthrough of the episode a couple of nights ago and have spontaneously been writing reviews for Apocollapse and Tales of Tragedy I'll most likely use as a basis for something to post on ModDB, but you can also use those for CGS if you want, both are on this page:

Wow, that is quite some work you've put into these reviews!
Thanks a lot for letting me use 'em here at CGS  :)
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
The more you see - The less it makes sense
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
If you can not see - You can not truly know


Hi Puritan! I just released a new map for Blast Radius (15th/2nd secret) and updated the mod with it:

It's reached v.1.1.0 now and while I've been abstaining from reporting smaller updates since I know managing the system is difficult, some of those recent modifications to the project have been fixing a lot of issues around some of the levels, including bugged secrets and broken doors and so the package you're hosting on CGS as a whole I'd say would be worthwhile refreshing now. Addition of level 15 sort of cements Blast Radius' final form now, mod has been out for long enough that I could catch most possible issues/bugs/problems and I personally feel like moving onto fresh stuff and so from this point onwards it really shouldn't budge much anymore but for potentially microscopic tweaks that do not matter. I don't want any more maps in BR or anything and so this should be my last time suggesting refreshing the file. (Now you understand why I was prefering to wait!)

New map introduces a new enemy variant; I'm curious what you'll think of it! Level 10 has a brand new secret exit section to match, too, but one can always jump right into the new level by loading as a user map or inputting the cheat code, DNSCOTTY115 if they don't want to bother finding it legit.

Did we just get new forum software or is it my recently fixed laptop which now allows me to see this fresh version? Awesome! I think I've spotted a typo in the text in the top right corner; probably should be "Duke 3D never dies!" (right now is missing an 's').

Hope all is well and you have fun with the new map. Cheers!


Hi Puritan! Just to keep you in the loop, last month I released six more maps as the demo for another conceptual episode, Zero Zone. More info here:

Radar Duker on YouTube already has videos up of (most of) the maps.

I hope you like it, the download for now is part of Blast Radius, since it expands on the code and acts like a continuation albeit in a different style. So the download link is the same:

If you would like to host it and that is possible, then maybe it should share the same link as Blast Radius because of the duality. That also would be a nice opportunity to update the version of it that is on your server, at this stage I've given most all the maps from both episodes many passes, fixed most mistakes and so for a while this version ( 2.0.8 ) also shouldn't budge, minus occasional cosmetic retouches that shouldn't warrant an update until the next slice of Zero Zone, but that may be in a long, uncertain while. I need to take some time away from the editor.

Curious to hear if you enjoy the new levels. They are difficult (especially the second one can be mean on CGS) but generally more accessible than the Blast Radius style and also introduce new surprising mechanics. Hope you have fun in the zone!


Wow, you're pretty occupied with the Build engine these days  :o
I've uploaded the latest file to our server but can't find the time to play any Duke these days.
Real life has thrown some opportunities for me that will take some time to get on the road.
In other words, I'm in the early beginning of getting self-employed  :)
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
The more you see - The less it makes sense
To the trained eye - There are no coincidences
If you can not see - You can not truly know


Hey, Puritan! I have recently released my new map, Der Zorn Gottes - you can get it here:


And here's my newest level, L.A. Meltdown 2047 which is a reinterpretation of episode 1 in just one map: hope you enjoy! Cheers.


Merry Christmas, Puritan! ;D

I've released yet another map, this time a huge and open city-themed level:


Hi Puritan,

Here are two new maps, comparable to what L.A. Meltdown 2047 did but now to episode 2 & 3 (I'm not remaking 4):

Shrapnel City 2096: Trapped In The Future!:

Lunar Apocalypse 3072: A Space Oprah:

Thanks for all the uploads. Cheers!