
DannyFromNewOrleans has released a new map with a hint of winter.
"Black Fairy" is well worth a portion of your Christmas vacation!

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Topics - Puritan

It seems that screenshots from the game appear darker than they were when taking them in-game ?
I'm playing with the brightness settings in classic renderer set to default (100%).

Is there a fix for this in 'Eduke32,cfg' or maybe another file?
Duke 3D Modifications / WGRealms Demon Throne
08 November 2020, 14:27:24
I've been watching YouTube videos from this mod and it sure looks good.....and massive.
Would be too much for me to revew but I'm considering hosting this one.
Anyone played it ?

WGRealms Demon Throne
Well, there's only a few maps with a score of 99 available.
Looking into each of those maps and I think they deserved the score. At least at that time they were released.

Now, there has been a few releases the last couple of years that is absolutely stunning and where the constructions and layout are superb.
I want to talk about Merlijn van Oostrums latest three maps in the ongoing "Shaky Grounds" series.
The first two maps are outstanding design wise and with tons upon tons of excellent constructed scenery.
Both maps are absolutely up there in upper 90's of the scale.

The last map; "Shaky Grounds pt3: Epicenter" is designed in the same excellent way as the two predecessors.
But here's my point; this map also have a superb gameplay.

Both the two first ones looking top notch, but the gameplay lacks a little bit of action and gameplay.

I honestly think that "Shaky Grounds pt3: Epicenter" very much could be the map that deserves the score of "100".
I know that is a controversial question.

What do you guys think?
Site News & Feedback / PHP 5.6 goes obsolete
11 August 2018, 14:57:48
On 02 December 2018 the server we're operating from are shutting down PHP 5.6.
The new PHP 7.0 (7.1 - 7.2 - ....etc) would be the lowest PHP standard.

This site is tested for PHP 7.0 and should work well.

The question that remain is; what will happen with the forums?
As of August 2018 the SMF sofware is buggy.
Escpecially "Sessions" is affected. Meaning that log in/out might crash.
Also posting in forum threads is buggy as of now.

Hopefully, the SMF team will have ironed out the bugs by December.

(We're now operating on PHP 5.6 until further notice)

Other Games / Build Engine - ressurected
21 March 2018, 15:52:47
Cool to see that Ken Silverman's Build Engine is been used in new games from 3DRealms again.

History of the Build Engine

See also an interview I did with Ken Silverman back in 2014 right here
Media Forum / Minds - Open source social media
25 January 2018, 13:57:30
I could have written page up and page down about FB.
Their suveillance, sencorship, gathering of personal data and so on, but I won't.

I've opened an account on Minds instead.
Works like fb in a way but you can be anonymous if you like.

Think I'll set up a Duke Nukem 3D group over there one of these days.

Have a look for yourself  :)
Duke 3D Resources / Mappers Template
20 November 2015, 19:34:55
The famous authoring template is a must when publishing your map!
Download from attachment.
Media Forum / Do you remember Amiga?
17 June 2015, 14:52:47
Share old and new experiences with this computer system.
I'm starting off with this little article published by Wood TV.

1980's computer controls GPRS and AC

Also one of my first attempts to play video games was on Amiga.
Think the title of the game was something like "Shadow of the beast".
Edit: Found it !
Site News & Feedback / DN3D on PC Gamer
15 May 2015, 16:17:09

PC Gamer have an article about Duke Nukem 3D and how to play it in Win 7/8 (for noobs).
Still an interesting read.
Also our little place, CGS, is mentioned  ;)

DN3D on PC Gamer
What about a CBP as a birthday present for Duke?
Next year our little hero is turning 20.
I've never participated in CBP's but for once I would like to throw in a part.

Media Forum / New Alien movie confirmed
20 February 2015, 09:42:28
Man, the fifth movie in the Alien series (not counting Prometheus I and II),) is to be directed by Neill Blomkamp known for the sci-fi movie: District 9.
The Alien quadrilogy is my favourite sci-fi / horror movies of all time.

Only drawback would be that I probably have to build yet another Alien inspired Duke map  :P

Alien 5
General Discussion / MS-DOS games for free
07 January 2015, 09:19:23
Time to kick ass and chew.....
It's also time to play Duke Nukem directly in your browser  ;)

Read more
Site News & Feedback / 1000 maps milestone
21 October 2014, 17:48:31
Today we reached 1000 maps bunged to our server.

I'd like to take the opportunity to give some credits :

First of all; Forge for his never ending work with Duke maps.
We all know his outstanding reviews for maps but he also have spent quite some time tracking down info about maps, finding the right authors and it's like.
Without you I haven't been halfway.
Thank you very much!

Also Duke64Nukem jumped onto our wagon as of lately and he's active in the Duke Match circles.
He has submitted quite a few DM-reviews and growing.

There are also reviews submitted by other guys in the community that deserves credit.
Too many to mention here but you know who you are!

Finally, a great thanks to all you mappers and players around the globe gathering in this small community.

Hail to the kings, baby!
Media Forum / New Pink Floyd album
27 September 2014, 23:26:25
Finally, after twenty years hiatus Pink Floyd is to release a double studio album  8)
First ready for pre-ordrering is a double vinyl edition.

Pink Floyd - Endless River
Site News & Feedback / New Moderator
16 September 2014, 19:51:14
Wish Duke64Nukem welcome aboard as a new moderator  :)

He's well known around the community both as a mapper and a opponent in Duke Match.
Lately he's also been submitting reviews. Mainly for DM maps.

Go gentle on him.
Duke 3D Resources / Polymer - help thread
31 August 2014, 18:33:42
So I made a fresh folder.
Added: Duke3D.GRP , latest EDuke32 snapshot, Autoload folder with the latest
On startscreen ticked: Polymer, Enable Autoload folder.
But there's no polymer lights emitted?
Do I need to edit some .cfg or .def files maybe?
(Tried the "R_PR_lighting" command in the console too...)

Got a brand new rig with an:
AMD FX-8350 Black Edition Socket-AM3+, 4.0GHz, 8-Core, 8MB L2 + 8MB L3 Cache CPU
XFX Radeon R9 280X 3GB GDDR5 BLACK PCI-Express 3.0, "DD-Edition", GHOST 2.0, DL-DVI-I + SL-DVI-D, HDMI, 2xmini-DP GPU
16Gb's RAM
Site News & Feedback / DN3D on YouTube
13 April 2014, 15:22:00
I've found some 50 videos or so of DN3D maps that are hosted here that I've implemented.
Now, if you got a video of your map or know about one that isn't hosted here feel free to post a link and I will implement the video to the review  :)
Site News & Feedback / Important about hosted files
14 February 2014, 09:46:40

A submitted map and/or review uploaded here will not be changed whatsoever.
Be absolutely sure that the map/review is done before releasing it.

This is also means that there's no need to pestering Forge about these matters or sending me messages, PM's, mails or whatever.


edit by Forge:
While we appreciate the new level of activity our objective is to provide a community where Duke3D maps, old and new, are available to the general public. The maps uploaded here are intended to be in their original release state. This is not a Megaton site. Already released maps modified or updated to be compatible for a specific port will not be re-uploaded to this site's server. Megaton has their own map hosting format. If you wish to share your updates feel free to start a new thread and provide a link to your project. Thank You.
I've had the pleasure to have a few words with the author of the Build editor.
He was very helpful and kind to me, that's for sure.
He wasn't feeling that he was worthy this honor to be our candidate for a page in the " Hall of fame" series.
Well, I can asure you that you're more than worthy!

He also was so kind to answer a few questions for an interview.
In addition to that he gave me some information that he never have given out before.....

I wish to give Ken a big thanks and hope all of you guys might find some interesting read in the interview  ;)

Hall of Fame
Other Games / Half-Life 3
02 October 2013, 14:52:16
Looks like Valve is up to something.
I'll bet a case of premium beer that HL3 will be for their new SteamMachine.

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