2009 - A Space Oddity
by Matt Harris
(484) views since Nov 2018
Released: 1996-06-09
Mode: SP, DM, COOP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 79
Review by Forge
The aliens have taken over a moonbase and it's up to Duke to remove the invading enemy forces.
A medium sized base styled map with areas ranging from medium sized rooms to narrow corridors.
A good layout but the texturing is bland and shading is lacking. There are a couple of nice uses of architecture but over all it's an average looking map.
Game play is good. The aliens are strategically placed and the ammo-enemy-health ratio is on target. There are a few simple puzzles and some well laid out ambushes to keep the game interesting.
An average looking map with good game play.

Gameplay Video
Other maps by this author:
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Score: 0
Mode: DM
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From The Wing Of A Plane
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Score: 82
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