Duke 6:8

by ScottL (Forge)

(515) views since Sept 2018

Released: 2010-09-22
Mode: SP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.4+, EDuke32
Sound/music: Music
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 94

Review by Arghantyl Aryostaz on 14 December 2010

The action takes place in and above a very nicely detailed dam where classic ass-kicking and an original "One place-one keycard" gameplay is awaiting for you.
The difficulty is balanced and hard but not a big deal for veterans.

A great map even if sometime you can be stuck by an exotic three-floor layout,the spritework is just awesome and makes the rooms pleasant to explore.
The industrial theme is nicely accompanied with some friendly room and corridors tough wrecked by explosions and a lot of time is spent moving by using stairs-like,elevators which give a crazy layout.

The fight is pretty good due to the good ratio of ammos\health and I liked the final "fireworks":an assault above the dam feedback by only one Battlelord.
Humble and just epic.

Architecture/Design: 19/20;
Layout: 18/20;
Bonus Music:+1
Score: 94

Map Template


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Gameplay Video

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