by Zeek StarVualt

(395) views since April 2019

Released: 1997-04-13
Mode: SP, DM, COOP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 86

Review by Puritan on 17 July 2013

A medium to large map set around an office building and some water treatment facility.
The gameplay is the usual keycard hunt. Duke starts out in an alley outside an office building. He has to work his way through lots of locations such as: Sewers, water treatment facilities, offices (!), rooftops and some outdoor areas.
Design is very good in places. The author has "rounded" off quite a lot of corners that gives the map a more appealing impression. Nice touch! Also the spritework is much better than most maps from back in 1997.
There is more than enough supplies to get you through the level.
For those of you with a predilection for exploring: The level is possible to pass without entering the last keycard (red) area...

Map Template


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