================================================================ Filename & Title : a1xip7.map Author : Michel Erwich Email Address : Webmaster@xiphias.demon.nl Misc. Author Info : nick online xiphias or a1xip Please send any comments about bugs you encounter to the above email address. Description : just a fun DM level for 2 to 8 players build time : about 7 Hours Additional Credits to : can't think of any ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No 2-8 Players : Yes CoOp 2-8 : No Difficulty Settings : N/a * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build.exe Art : Used standard art from the game Decompiler used : Duke Nukem 3D - Decompiler/Compiler version 1.1 from Daniel Mecklenburg Jr Known Bugs : when you trash just one section of the divided (in 3) mirror the rest of the mirror will act shaky blow up the rest and the prob is gone Other : Tested the map on a local network also via modem important : You may distribute this level on any format (Diskette, BBS etc.) as long as this text file is included in it's orginal state and no modifications to the map file were made.