
by Alejandro Glavic

(418) views since March 2020

Released: 2001-11-08
Mode: SP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.4+
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 91

Review by Puritan on 26 March 2020

The story comtinues from adg02. Now, Duke ended his last mission in the sewers. In this level he crawls out of the sewers and finds himself in some sort of warehouse with ugly looking forklift operators.
Time to kick ass and chew bubblegum!

The warehouse and outside locations are well done with a clean and trimmed layout. Of course, the texturing are from the top shelves and with nice lighting the map appears good looking. Maybe the shading could have been better in addtition to some ambiant sounds...
There's a few keycards to be found to unlock doors. The cards are placed in a logical way so the map is easy to navigate.
A few weapons are showing up along the route. Ammo and health kits are never out of reach.
Some ten minutes of fun it is.

Map Template


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