Aliens' castle
by Olivier Delatour
(475) views since Dec 2018
Released: 1998-09-05
Mode: SP, COOP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 77
Review by Puritan on 12 December 2018
From the author:
A huge level with a castle, a church, and a cemetery. Rush to Dracula's vault, then dive in the moat, and reach the castle. Yeah, you're attacked from everywhere !
And that should sum up pretty much everything. Duke is on a massive attack from start to finish. Having said that; dodging a few attacks and choose the right path you'll be skipping some 50-60 enemies.....else you're in deep shit.
Design is quite simple and squared. Huge open areas and huge submerged areas in addition to long walks.
At a point Duke set off some fast since there's no way out there if you can't reach back before the ceiling drops.
A few secret stashes of goodies is a must if you're choosing the long road home.
Some twenty minutes should be enough when picking the short route.
Other maps by this author:
The Real Bad Ass
Released: 1998-09-26
Score: 88
Mode: SP
Review: The Real Bad Ass
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