Alien Ship

by Robert Carter

(427) views since Sept 2018

Released: 1996-07-18
Mode: SP, DM
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 69

Review by Forge on 10 September 2018

An EDF space station.

A pretty simple and basic map. Architecture is blocky, detailing is minimal, texturing is done by the buckets with almost no trimwork, there's no shading, and only a few sounds. Very bare bones, but it's put together cleanly and with minimal errors or issues. Just some odd texture choices and a space craft full of pigcops will raise an eyebrow.
Other than walking around inside a small portion of a starship, there's a little bit of simulated space walking using the scuba-gear and underwater method. Technically it works, but it looks silly when dead aliens "sink" to the "floor".
Game play is mostly about shooting things with a shotgun, ala Doom style. That, and walking back and forth between locked doors, switches, and keys.
The map is pretty small, but view-screens are still present, so not knowing which door unlocked isn't going to be confusing. There's more than enough ammo, so blast away.
More fun than trigger finger.

Overall I'd give it a 69

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