
by Ben Roffelsen

(440) views since Oct 2018

Released: 1995-07-11
Mode: SP, DM
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 81

Review by Forge on January 24-2012

The aliens have taken over a seaside base and Duke must get to the mini-sub and make his escape.
A small map with a decent design and simple layout. A nice old classic map with texturing, detailing, architecture, and shading a touch above the standards for that time.

Game is pretty basic, find a few key cards and throw a couple of switches to get to the exit.
The arsenal has a wide variety, but the enemy are a bit over abundant compared to the amount of ammunition available.
There's plenty of health placed around the map as long as you don't get crazy and try to stand toe-to-toe with every alien you encounter.
For those that like their navigation easy and their fire fights often.

Texturing/Lighting-Shading: 7/10
Sprite Work/Detailing:7/10
Ambiance: 7/10
Architecture/Design: 17/20
Layout: 16/20
Gameplay/Difficulty: 27/30
Score: 81

Map Template


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Gameplay Video

Other maps by this author:

Aqua 2
Released: 1996-07-01
Score: 85
Mode: SP, DM
Review: Aqua 2

Aqua 3
Released: 1996-11-16
Score: 83
Mode: SP, DM
Review: Aqua 3

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