Assault on AR-38

by Chris Allcock

(478) views since June 2019

Released: 1999-06-22
Mode: SP, DM
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 74

Review by Puritan on 08 December 2016

Duke is in space. On a desert planet called AR-38 to be precise.
His ride is shot down as usual and he's mad about it!
He got to find those alien bastards and shut down their business.
The design is very average and there's not too much details nor eye-candy involved. The terrain is rocky and steap. There is also some squared and quite empty indoor locations as well.
Poor shading and lighting along with no ambiant sounds doesn't help much either.
You'll find weapons along the way and it's lots of ammo and healing items all over the place.
Expect some backtracking in order to unlock new areas as you proceed.
Shouldn't consume more than twenty minutes or so to pass.

Map Template


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