The Aztec Ruins

by Peter Williams

(358) views since April 2019

Released: 2001-08-21
Mode: SP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.4+
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 85

Review by Puritan

From the author of Wild West and Stranded comes this Aztec temple inspired map.
This is the authors third release and was supposed to be a part of an episode. Your goal is pretty simple: Unlock some doors, find some keycards and flush out those alien bastards. The title indicates a temple or something in ruins but most of the buildings are quite intact.
Textures is what you could expect from a map back in 2001 and with a theme that doesn't allow any hi-tech mapping. Lighting/shading is weak for the most part. The ammo/health ratio is okay but be sure to save some for the end...
Layout and gameplay is reasonably good with some heavy fire fights and a couple of unexpected respawns. All in all, an eleven year old map that is well worth some 15 minutes of your time just for the sake of getting some nostalgic feeling.

Map Template


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Gameplay Video

Other maps by this author:

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