Back on the Streets

by Llyr Jones

(499) views since Dec 2018

Released: 2004-02-11
Mode: SP, DM, COOP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.4+
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 83

Review by Forge

A medium sized map themed around a city block with areas that range from an open street, small rooms and corridors, to sewer tunnels and air shafts.
A decent design and a pretty basic layout. Some of the texturing choices and usage are a bit weak and the detailing and architecture are fairly simple, but it's still a well put together map.

There's a few key cards to find to get to the end which require at least a little bit of exploring around, but this is mostly a shoot-em-up map.
Duke is loaded down with weapons and ammo, and there's health in abundance all over the place.
The menagerie of enemy forces range from the weakest to mini-battlelords and they're stacked in droves throughout the map. Due to the vast amounts of health and ammunition available, you can choose your preferred method of fighting. Even toe-to-toe with everything short of the mini-battlelords and Duke is still sure to come out on top.
Score: 83

Map Template


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Other maps by this author:

Released: 2004-02-18
Score: 74
Mode: SP, DM, COOP
Review: Megalomania

Science Fiction
Released: 2002-08-11
Score: 79
Mode: SP, DM, COOP
Review: Science Fiction

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