Blown Fuses

by Luciano Gallo (Gambini)

(682) views since December 2019

Released: 2008-12-02
Mode: SP, COOP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.4+, EDuke32, DukePlus
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 98

Review by Forge on March 15-2012

A very large power station/factory styled map.
The object is to solve a couple of puzzles and make your way through and out of a power station/factory.
The concept of actually using objects that are picked up to solve puzzles and/or open doors is reminisce of the batteries used in bedrone, but is taken to the next level.

The game play is linear, everything transitions together smoothly, the detailing and shading are superb, and just about every minor item received attention.
The sprite work and the detailing of such items as the trucks go beyond excellent. I think this is the first map I've played where I can actually crouch and walk under a vehicle.
Half the weapons are available for the map, with a little more than enough ammo spread about the map.
Health is a bit scarce at first, then it picks up through the middle and tapers off to very little at the end, which matters not since duke plus med kits can store large quantities.
The enemy is evenly and strategically placed and you mostly encounter troopers, pig cops, and enforcers, with a few other enemies in minor numbers. I especially liked the mini-protector drones.
There were a few visual bugs that didn't affect game play, like the "blank" area at the bottom of the water fall in the large pool.
Some bugs were a slight annoyance: the pig cops and troopers could shoot me through the sprite constructions (would've been fair if I could shoot them back the same way), and I got visited by a trooper who determined that it wasn't fair for me to hide in the gate house so he clipped through the wall to say "hi".
I found this to be an enjoyable game play and another triumph for Gambini.

Texturing/Lighting-Shading: 10/10
Sprite Work/Detailing: 10/10
Ambiance: 10/10
Architecture: 20/20
Layout: 19/20
Gameplay/Design: 29/30
Score: 98

Map Template


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Gameplay Video

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