Castle Anarchy

by Dallas Gould

(393) views since Jan 2019

Released: 1997-01-29
Mode: SP, DM, COOP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: Sound
New Art: Yes
New Cons: No
Score: 78

Review by Puritan on February 08-2015

A castle / dungeon / cave styled map is the first attemp on DN3D mapping from this author.
Duke must find a way inside the castle to investigate the rumours about an evil eye that hunts you down once inside. Nobody said to have survived.
The challenge is to explore and flush out alien presence.
The map is brimmed with secret doors and hidden buttons, so if you're the impatienced kind this map would not fit you.
Custom art and new enemies is giving the level a nice touch.
There is plenty of supplies (if you can find 'em) and weapons scattered around.
The map is consuming some 20 minutes of your time if you find all the hidden stuff.

Note: Open the CASTLEA.BAT, locate this line: "duke3d -map castlea" and rename to: "eduke32 -map castlea". Never mind the setup.bat enclosed.

Map Template


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