by Steve W. Long
(399) views since Nov 2018
Released: 1998-07-24
Mode: SP
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 82
Review by Puritan on 04 September 2016
After some hard times in the city Duke seeks peace and tranquility in a countryside church. But there's no time for slacking....those alien bastards are attacking the church.
Duke has to clinse out the vermin from the church, the catacombs and finally head for Stonehenge!
The design is quite good for an oldie from 1998 with nice architecture and cool ambiance.
The texturing, lighting and shading is well done while detailing could have been better.
Armory is achieved along the way and there's plenty of both ammo and healing items dispersed throughout the level.
Why don't you seek some silence and remorse?

Gameplay Video
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Lunar Base Echo
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Score: 85
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Review: Lunar Base Echo
Released: 1997-02-12
Score: 83
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Review: PCGamer
Released: 1999-01-12
Score: 82
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Review: Slider2
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