
by Allan Mullock

(387) views since March 2019

Released: 2005-07-24
Mode: SP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.4+
Sound/music: No
New Art: Yes
New Cons: No
Score: 86

Review by Puritan on 11 June 2013

A medium sized map set on a EDF space station.

Duke's mission is to clinse out some reported alien presence on a space station. It's just a long fight from start to finish in between dodging projectiles from a massive amount of turrets. No keycards, just push a button and find out what opened. Push another button to unlock new areas and so on....
The design is quite well done with lots of attention into architecture. Good texturing but weak shading and that's a shame: If the author had spent a few more hours on shading, this map would have been so much better visually. The aliens is present in hordes. They spawn in front of you, behind you, besides you and even on remote locations on the station. You'll be given enough weapons and ammo throughout the level but healing kits may be harder to get in time before the final curtain.....etc. Having said that, the health kits is by no means rare but they aren't there when you need 'em :)
It's a 20 minutes of mayhem you shouldn't miss....

Map Template


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