Duke Nukem's Penthouse Paradise

by Intersphere Communications and Tyler Matthews

(404) views since November 2021

Released: 1997-04-28
Mode: SP, DM, COOP
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: Music, Sound
New Art: Yes
New Cons: Yes
Score: 91

Review by Puritan on 07 November 2021

This map is about the time between the original DN3D and the Atomic version.
In the original game Duke talks about that it's time for R & R....but what exactly did he mean by that?
This level gives you a clue.

Duke is tanning and enjoying beach life and some hot photo shoots when those alien bastards decided to crash the party.
Dukes only goal now is to protect our chicks and erase the alien maggots.
Design is top notch for a map from 1997 with nice scenery and good texturing. Trimming and layout is also very good.
New music and sound in addition to new Art.......XXX art it is...gives an extra touch to the adventure.
The mandatory three keycards are of course a part of the mission in between kicking alien asses.
Heavier weapons must be earned and there's more than enough ammo and healing items along the route.
Take a stroll on the beach, I'd say!

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