by Ryan Lennox
(395) views since June 2019
Released: 2007-06-19
Mode: SP, DM
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Featuring: 1.4+
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 89
Review by Forge
Played Dukemall (sp) circa June 19, 2008 by Ryan Lennox. A medium/large sized shopping mall themed map.
The layout is pretty good with many different rooms and interconnecting vents. Throughout the mall there's nice sprite work and you'll find all kinds of shops and stores, each unique and with its own style of detailing and shading.
The map plays in a linear fashion but don't expect to "double back" the exact same path you went in on.
The object of the game is to get to the roof of the mall and stop the aliens from building a space craft.
There's plenty of health to keep you alive spread fairly evenly throughout the map. There's several different weapons available, but ammo is pretty tight so you might want to conserve your bullets with precise fire when you can.
The enemy is dispersed evenly and strategically around the map with the exception of the concentrations in the parking lot and on the roof. Those are the two places where combat is an all out slug fest and almost every enemy from troopers to mini-battlelords are there to greet you.
The "puzzle" you find on the roof and must solve in order to enter the alien ship isn't too difficult, but is well designed and can stump you if you're not watching carefully.
The one oddity I found while playing was that if you shrunk an enemy on the roof and you went to stomp the enemy while still standing in the elevator, the elevator will descend.
A good game play and an overall 9 out of 10
Other maps by this author:
Released: 2001-06-21
Score: 79
Mode: SP, DM, COOP
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