Duke verses Alien Army Base
by Adrian Messecar
(523) views since April 2020
Released: 1998-01-09
Mode: SP
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 64
Review by Puritan on 09 April 2020
One of the authors first maps it is.
A very simple and squared map with bad texturing, no lighting / shading, lack of ambiant sounds and really not a story.
Duke must roam through lots of large rooms brimmed with aliens, search for a few keycards and look up the alien boss.
There's tons upon tons of everything in this map. That goes for the jetpack as well....

Other maps by this author:
Alien Planet Complex
Released: 1998-07-06
Score: 78
Mode: SP
Review: Alien Planet Complex
Duke verses Demon from Hell
Released: 1998-03-29
Score: 77
Mode: SP
Review: Duke verses Demon from Hell
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