by Steve W. Long
(361) views since July 2019
Released: 1999-07-07
Mode: SP
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 83
Review by Puritan on 24 December 2017
A seven-level episode.....or seven levels in one package as the author states.
Steve threw together seven of his levels in this package. Each level can be played as a stand alone map but the maps kind of continues from the last.
All maps are quite big so I spent three hours or so playing all of 'em. The themes are mostly from space but there's lots of industrial themed areas as well.
Design is like a roller coaster; ups and downs. Some areas are empty and not very well designed while others are amazing. As usual Duke is facing lots of switch throwing and quests for keycards. Backtracking is inevitable.
Texturing is good for the most part and shading / lighting is well done in many areas.
Duke starts with no guns at each starting point of the maps and he must find 'em as he proceeds. Overall there is way too much weapons / ammo / healing items scattered about so you never runs dry.
The maps are brimmed with bad guys!
Other maps by this author:
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Score: 82
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Lunar Base Echo
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Score: 85
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Review: Lunar Base Echo
Released: 1997-02-12
Score: 83
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Review: PCGamer
Released: 1999-01-12
Score: 82
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Review: Slider2
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