
by Steve W. Long

(403) views since Oct 2018

Released: 1999-10-25
Mode: SP
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Featuring: 1.4+
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 84

Review by Puritan on 26 March 2016

A huge map pack that can be played as an episode + a few single maps.
I pulled together the maps: E3L1....E3L11, into a new folder and then put it into my EDuke32 dir. (Remember to pick the folder you've created in the EDuke start up window: - "Custom game content directory").
Then I fired up Duke as normal and launched the third episode.
That way it worked smooth as guacamole as an full 11-map episode!

The episode isn't very linear and there's no story to it. It's more or less a bunch of loose maps.
Having said that; the adventure is very entertaining and it's brimmed with action!
Duke is sent from the earth into orbit and then back again a few times so the environments is constantly shifting.
Design is very well done in many places whilst others are more plain and squared.
Texturing, shading and lighting is quite good for the most part.
There's way too much ammo and healing items but it doesn't matter that much....you may throw yourself head on into combats and kick so many alien asses your heart desires!
I spent some three hours on this one including roaming back and forth for screenshots. Take a gander right away!

Important note: There is a couple of instances where Duke is killed due to sloppy sector tagging by the author. I'm talking about the lethal 'Big Orbit' skybox texture. So, when you're about to leave the space station and walk across a bridge or similar environments and perhaps walk into a portal do the following: Save the game, then play in God-mode (type DNKROZ in-game) before walking into space.


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Other maps by this author:

Released: 1998-07-24
Score: 82
Mode: SP
Review: Church

Released: 1999-07-07
Score: 83
Mode: SP
Review: Ep1-Steve
Released: 1999-07-07
Score: 85
Mode: SP
Review: Ep2-Steve
Lunar Base Echo
Released: 1998-01-19
Score: 85
Mode: SP
Review: Lunar Base Echo
Released: 1997-02-12
Score: 83
Mode: SP
Review: PCGamer
Released: 1999-01-12
Score: 82
Mode: SP
Review: Slider2

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