For God's Sake Version 2.0
by Marc Tonsing
(376) views since Feb 2019
Released: 1998-06-18
Mode: SP, DM
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.4+
Sound/music: Music, Sound
New Art: Yes
New Cons: No
Score: 81
Review by Puritan on 14 January 2013
A medium sized map that takes place in a church and a submarine (!) overrun by those alien maggots.
Duke starts out in what seems to be a quiet church. He soon discovers that the vermin has been doing some satanic rituals in the church. Underneath the church the aliens have built a submarine base. It's Dukes job to put an end to this desecrated actions. Design goes from very good in places to not so good in other...Shading and lighting is on the average. There is a few weapons available and enough ammo to get you through. Health packs are rare but still enough to keep you alive.
Other maps by this author:
Light & Shadow
Released: 1999-05-15
Score: 83
Mode: SP, DM
Review: Light & Shadow
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