by Kevin Smith
(350) views since December 2019
Released: 1997-09-03
Mode: SP, DM, COOP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.4+
Sound/music: Music
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 69
Review by Puritan on 13 April 2014
A map set around a city block with a few locations to explore such as: A cinema, an office building and a couple of stores. There is also an underground area you must visit.
Speaking of the underground area; It's beautifully designed for it's time. If the author had pulled off the rest of the map holding this quality the score could easily been cranked up into the eighties. A shame that the rest of the map is squared and with a basic layout.
The goal is simple: Clinse out all the vermin presence, find the mandatory three keycards and locate the end. I think this map would suit coop play since the aliens are coming in hordes from time to time...
Take an advice: In the beginning run like a maniac and locate some goodies before you're overrun.

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