Holocausto en la sierra
by Eye del Cul
(390) views since July 2019
Released: 2003-07-13
Mode: SP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: Yes
New Cons: Yes
Score: 80
Review by Forge on 22 January 2018
A couple canyons with military-base type structures scattered around.
The level is made up of a few small buildings, each usually containing just a single room or two, a couple underwater sections, some sewer sections, and a couple open outdoor canyon areas. Nothing too extravagant, but it's put together well enough architecturally.
Usually the indoor parts are pretty dark, the outdoor parts are pretty bright, and detailing amounts to piles of sprite objects set on fire and dumped randomly around the level.
Gameplay consists mostly of wandering around open canyon sections, hopping from rock to rock, shooting everything that moves, looking for sporadically placed supplies, trying to find a key, and avoiding random explosions. And such magnificent explosions they are. Open a door - everything explodes. Flip a switch - everything explodes. Step on a rock - everything explodes. Sneeze - everything explodes. Good thing there are generous amounts of healing items spread around. More fun than skin grafts.

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