TITLE :JUST STOPPING OFF FOR SMOKES AND BEER FILENAME :BUYBOOZE AUTHOR :JON HUNT EMAIL :NONE YET AUTHOR INFO :I have completed a few of these levels. none are very good but I am learning. DESCRIPTION :After a hard day kicking alien butt, Duke desides to stop off for some beer and smokes on his way home. So he gets out of his helicopter, walks into the liquor store.... Will he ever get to rest? =============================================================================== PLAY INFORMATION EPISODE AND LEVEL:eWHATEVER lwhatever (does it really matter) SINGLE PLAYER :only kind I build DUKEMATCH :Right, like that hasn't been done to death DIFFICULTY :who knows how =============================================================================== CONSTRUCTION BASE :new level, I wouldn,t copy anyone elses EDITOR :Build what else KNOWN BUGS :TWO OF MY WINDOWS ON THE STREET,WHEN I PUT ONE LEVEL ON TOP OF ANOTHER THE WINDOWS GOT SCREWY. I ALSO CAN'T GET DUKE TO SAY ANYTHING WHEN HE LOOKS IN THE MIRROR, ALL THE TIME. ORHER :GO AHEAD AND RIP THIS LEVEL INTO SHREDS, ADD NEW THINGS, TAKE OUT THINGS BUT REMEMBER I BUILT THIS SO KEEP THIS FILE WITH IT.