Leaving L.A
by Magnar Jenssen (C3PO)
(387) views since Oct 2018
Released: 1998-12-20
Mode: SP, DM
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.4+
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: Yes
Score: 82
Review by Forge on 29 June 2012
A short city block map made up mostly of apartments and business offices with typical locations such as a couple street areas and a restaurant.
Nothing really jumps out and most locations seem run of the mill.
The map is linear with alot of back tracking involved and an unordinary amount of navigating through vents. Most of the design allows for some elbow room, but there are a few locations that are quite cramped.
Game play is key card based with an annoying amount of "guess what opened up when you walked into this room" type puzzles.
Guess you'll have to back track from the dead end you're in to figure it out since there are very few clues to help you on your way.
In addition to the mostly unavoidable ambushes and enemies popping up behind you there are several bobby traps designed to kill you without a chance.
There's plenty of ammo, but the same can't be said for healing packs.
Texturing/Lighting-Shading: 8/10
Sprite Work/Detailing: 9/10
Ambiance: 8/10
Architecture: 17/20
Layout: 17/20
Gameplay/Design: 23/30
Overall: 82/100

Gameplay Video
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