by Charlie Wiederhold
(389) views since Feb 2019
Released: 1997-02-21
Mode: DM
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 70
Review by Tgreyhair on 07 August 2022
This map sort of has that square or circle feeling to it. In the centre of the map, you will notice the water which contains atomic health and a few laser tripbombs. Before you enter the centre of the map you can use the wall to lower yourself to the ground without losing any health and use that wall to get back up again. Now if you stay on the middle bit there is a lift you can take up to the top of the map, you will be exploring the high tunnels where you can collect some items or guns. On the medium level there it all connects up to the other bit of the map.
I guess you can say that this map has three levels. For what is a simple design this is actually not a bad deathmatch level where dukes can fight it out to see who is king. This is probably what your classic deathmatch level would be like in the past. It's a nice map no doubt about that one.

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