
by Duke64Nukem

(501) views since April 2019

Released: 2014-04-04
Mode: SP, DM, COOP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.4+
Sound/music: Music
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 89

Review by Forge on 04 September 2014

A city block overrun by aliens.
The map is pretty dark and gloomy which makes the burning ruins stand out, but can also make it difficult to see the aliens until you're almost on top of them. This can get you into some pretty bad trouble if you stumble headlong into a sniper filled killing zone, but this also makes it pretty exciting for a little while.
There's a street section, some dirty back alleys, a semi-destroyed apartment, a couple rooftops, and a few other typical urban locations.
Overall the map looks good with nice texture combinations and alot of spritework and details. The only things lacking could have been more ambient sounds and lighting effects that really would have stood out in such a dimly lit map.
The layout is hub styled with the open street as the main focal center and several locked buildings around its perimeter. The outdoor area is a fair size, but the indoor sections are very short.

Game play is keys and combat.
The best part of the map is wandering around the streets and alleys getting into some intense fire fights and trying to find much needed supplies while seeking out that first key.
It gets pretty mundane afterwards since the indoor sections are only a couple rooms deep at best to get to the next key and a large portion of the aliens will have probably already been killed by this time and not been replaced.

Texturing/Lighting-Shading: 9/10
Sprite Work/Detailing: 10/10
Ambiance: 9/10
Architecture: 20/20
Layout: 16/20
Gameplay/Design: 25/30
Score: 89

Map Template


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Gameplay Video

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