Mikko Sandt Dukematch 5: Dukematch 2000

by Mikko Sandt

(381) views since July 2019

Released: 2000-07-17
Mode: DM
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.4+
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 0

Review by Duke64Nukem on 15 October 2014

A map that seems to have a medievil atmosphere with fire pits and stone walls nice areas to look at with cracks in the wall and pieces of the floor missing.
It is built similar to a Quake style of dm map, I was intrigued by the flames in the walls which can be seen in the main picture there.
There is also some nice architecture across the map sloped entryways, detailed sectors along the walls ,and a simple yet cool ceiling.
Weapons and health are placed pretty spot on and the spawn points are perfect. But the jetpack turns the gameplay to a one sided match since there are pits you fall down, walk ways, and elevators not to mention quick escape and hide for cover spots since there are alot of twists and turns so the jetpack really puts you ahead of the map. But don't worry there's more then one of them

Score: 4/5

Map Template


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