nixlos 7
by Thomas Strugala
(361) views since April 2019
Released: 1997-04-09
Mode: SP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 83
Review by Puritan on June 30-2013
This medium sized map is set around some industrial environments for the most part.
The goal is simple enough: Fine the usual keycards and a few switches and head on to the next area. Sweep out the alien scumbags and nuke the place.
The design and layout is actually pretty cool. It's not a secret that the author seems to fancy colors. The usage of colorful textures and paletted ones are all over the place but it looks good in a way. It is also nice to see how the authors mapping skills has increased since his early maps.
There is weapons available as you proceed and ammo / health are also scattered around in generous amounts.
Somewhere around 20 minutes should be enough to clinse out the place.
Have a look!
Other maps by this author:
nixlos 1
Released: 1997-03-06
Score: 68
Mode: SP
Review: nixlos 1
nixlos 9
Released: 1997-06-01
Score: 88
Mode: SP
Review: nixlos 9
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