
by Matt Novotny

(324) views since November 2021

Released: 2000-08-15
Mode: SP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 69

Review by Puritan on 27 November 2021

Note: this map was corrupted in it's original file. I've slightly modified the map to make it playable.

This map was released at the same date as "Spresort". Might be that the author had a couple of maps laying around that he decided to put out on the internet,
It's a very simple map with nothing special to it.
The goal is to find out where the Octabrains comes from in the first place. His ride is shut down just in front of the Octabrain research facility.
Now it's up to Duke to destroy the lab and look up the one in charge...
Texturing and trimming are okay.
Shading / lighting isn't present at all.
No ambiant sounds.
There's more than enough weapons, ammo and health kits spread out along the route.
A 10-15 minutes romp it is.

Map Template


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Image 6


Other maps by this author:

Spresort V 1.1
Released: 2000-08-15
Score: 73
Mode: SP, DM, COOP
Review: Spresort V 1.1

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