by Tyler Day
(400) views since June 2019
Released: 1996-06-12
Mode: SP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: Music
New Art: Yes
New Cons: No
Score: 85
Review by Puritan on 25 March 2013
Well, as the title indicates: This mediun sized map is set around a park in a small city block.
Gameplay is mainly to find some keycards and their corresponding slots. Finally, if you hate fish you'll get the chance to blow up the Dukai Sushi...
The design is quite good for and oldie with a few nice locations to explore.
The author has pulled off a few nice effects that wasn't very usual back in 1996.
Lighting / shading is also very well done.
Don't worry about your health or rounds...There is plenty to choose from.
All in all, a map that is well worth some ten minutes for a historical romp.

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