Return to Hollywood
by SSG K. Whitaker
(372) views since July 2019
Released: 1999-07-23
Mode: SP, DM, COOP
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 82
Review by Puritan on 12 April 2015
Duke is right back where it all started: in the streets of Hollywood.
He must have missed out a few of the alien vermin in the first place because he hear rumours about an uprising....
The design is what you can expect from this theme. The author has pulled off the level in the same spirit as the original ones.
Texturing, lighting, shading and ambiance is quite good.
There is weapons and ammo in generous portions scattered about. Maybe you should step carefully since the health kits might be scarse.
A drawback could be some irritating combo-switch-puzzle towards the end.
All in all a solid 3DR'ish level that would consume some 15 minutes of your time.

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